Thursday, June 23, 2011

La Fontaine Ste-Madeleine, Vézelay, Yonne. Spring-fed.

Noted on the IGN Vézelay Top25 as La Fontaine Ste Madeleine at the base of the eastern end of the hill of Vézelay. Inner and outer barrel vaults over the spring not quite aligned. On the GRR for Santiago, only just visible from the road to Asquins.

Menades, Yonne. Stream-fed.

2009's lavoir in ruins without a roof in the process of renovations. The new roof is a four-sided impluvium.

Asquins, Yonne. Stream-side

Along the Route Nationale (former N6), where the Ruisseau de la Bouillére flows into the Cure.

La Bouillère, Asquins, Yonne. Spring-fed

First seen on the day of our walk from Asquins up to Ste.-Madeleine. Baying hounds unpleasant, but the clear water and adjacent Pré des Pélerins were lovely.

Usy, Yonne

Brutalist lavoir, but the complex was interesting: lady filling a water bottle at the abreuvoir to the right, spring-house further up the hill, crowd of screeching enfants de France deriving much amusement from our presence.

La Rue Chenot, Chastellux-sur-Cure, Yonne. Spring-fed.

Memorable mainly for the wide-faced black and white cat perched on the basin outside, who gave us a thorough looking over before stalking off in supercilious dudgeon (and yes, I do know all of the second clause was implied in the use of the three-letter word "cat").

Tharoiseau, Yonne. Spring-fed.

Le lavoir des grands poissons! The spring-house around the corner and up the hill has a date of 1696 inscribed, but very, very crisply indeed.

Ligny-le-Châtel, Yonne. Stream-side.

On a channel from the Serein, across from the church. Whimsical figures of washerwomen all along, unfortunately in the shade. Seen with Rosy and Michel.

Censy, Yonne. Spring-fed.

Very isolated, very elegant with weeping willow and blinding white roof on one side (both sides white previously according to Rosy and Michel, not to mention the current Google photo). Most striking of the lavoirs we visited in 2011.

Arton, Yonne. Spring-fed.

Le lavoir de la poste! A very handsome, very monumental lavoir, with the date 1910 inscribed at the outlet. Seen with Rosy and Michel.

Chablis, Yonne. Stream-side.

On a channel of the Serein, upstream of the western-most of the two bridges on the Rue des Deux Ponts. Seen with Rosy and Michel.

Castres, Tarn. Stream-side.

Now used as a quai along the Agoût, but looks like a lavoir to me. The swans are a bonus.

St-Bertrand-de-Comminges, Haute-Garonne, 2.

Where's the roof of me? The plastic mallards are a nice touch, too, as was the toilet swathed it plastic neatly hidden just beyond the wheelie bin in this photo.

St-Bertrand-de-Comminges, Haute-Garonne, 1. Spring-fed.

Hard to miss -- on the way to the parking lot. Being used as a picnic spot on the day we visited -- shelter on a rainy day.

Belcastel, Tarn. Spring-fed.

Lovingly restored with placard giving the history of the lavoir, but not explaining the odd cornice around the upslope side of the roof.

Montmaur, Aude. Spring-fed.

Lavoir which once was lost, but now is found. Spring-fed, but water flow to lavoir and adjacent fountain very low in spring 2011.

Briare-le-Canal, Loiret. Steamside.

Between the D957 bridge over the north branch of the Canal de Briare and the railroad bridge, along the south bank of the canal. There are smaller, overgrown structures to the west of this lavoir that may be smaller ones associated with individual houses.