Sunday, July 4, 2010

Chemilly-sur-Yonne, Yonne

Lavoir with a clerestory. Beautifully maintained, but locked and with windows barred. Seen with Rosy and Michel, 2010.

Val-du-Puit, Sacy, Yonne. Dry.

Lavoir with a bell-tower. On the inside, only one of two basins preserved. Michel pointed out that the sloping edge of the basin distinguishes a lavoir from an abreuvoir.

Vermenton, Yonne. Spring-fed.

On the hill-side one street below the N6 out of town toward Auxerre. Spring is in a vault under the street.

Vermenton, Yonne. Flow-through.

Very large, very elegant, very formal municipal structure. Impressive volume of water flowing through. With Rosy and Michel in 2010.

Flogny-la-Chapell, Yonne. Impluvium.

The lavoir as fortress in the kingdom of the dwarves. Sits below grade on the road to St-Florentin and looks as though it may be on private property. Far-side door must be large enough for access, but what's inside remains a mystery.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nitry, Yonne. Plumbed.

Very formal, very well-kept, but no access to interior. Dry in 2010.

St-Jean-St-Germain, Indre-et-Loire. Stream side.

It's the roof that's interesting here, with its ardoise tiles shaped to form a heart; all the internal lavoir-bits are long-gone. The stream is a channel leading to a mill along the Indre.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

St-Amadou, Ariège. Spring-fed, plumbed.

Most elaborate basin we've seen to date: oval, divided into four equal sections, and fed by four bronze dolphin-headed water spigots. Informative plaques about lavoirs on the walls. Building unremarkable.

Le Cabanial, Haute-Garonne. Spring-fed.

Philippe says it's cute, and I agree. Beautiful yellow wild iris in bloom all around when we visited. Interior flooded, not especially memorable.

St-Amand-en-Puisaye, Yonne. Stream-side.

Very large lavoir along a channel of the Vrille across from the Château, now used as the Tourist Information for St-Amand. Only the roof beams left from the original. Photos of the lavoir as it used to be posted inside. Beautiful spot.

Bléneau, Yonne. Spring-fed, plumbed.

Unusual basin in the form of an irregular quadrilateral: two right-angles, one acute, and one obtuse. Satisfying opportunity to revisit the nomenclature of high school geometry. Delicate ardoise roofing. Lots of algae but there was steady flow of water from a culvert under the street above. Bedding plants all around -- pretty spiffy!

Alligny-Cosne, Nièvre. Spring-fed, plumbed.

Might have driven right past this one, since only the roof is visible from the road, were it not for the toddler carrying a baguette longer than he was on the sidewalk near by. Unremarkable otherwise.